First of all, I owe everyone an apology for not updating this blog in more than a month. Christmas was complicated this year. Darcey's classes, my week of H1N1, shopping, work, home repair, and caring for Leah all kind of slowed us down. Frankly, I felt pretty lucky that we could put up the few decorations that we did.

Of course the best of those decorations was our Christmas tree. We keep it in our den every year and walking into that room is like walking into the holiday season. Darcey and I have always enjoyed sitting in there together and catching up on each others day. But this year, somebody else seemed to enjoy it more. Leah would run in there, sit in her rocking chair and look at the tree. She didn't mess with the presents underneath too much, although we quickly learned that bows were out this year. She also didn't mess with the tree too much except to pull off some of the toddler-friendly ornaments we strategically placed at her level.

Darcey and I were amazed at how well Leah did when it finally came time to open presents. Sure it was slow as she tore one tiny piece of wrapping paper off at a time, but she was very into finding out what was inside each package. And boy did Leah hit the mother lode. She got toys of all shapes and sizes, she got books, she got giant Legos, she got clothes, and she got more Elmo stuff than she knows what to do with. But I think the present that Darcey and I were most excited to give her was the one that will make the most noise off all of them. See her play with it in the video below.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
This is great! Thomas will have competition for Jingle Bells soon!