Leah's babbling has increased in the past couple of weeks and it has been fun to listen to her add sounds. A lot of what she says are things like "bah!" or "da!". The first time she said "da! da!" Darcey asked if that was her first word. As proud as I would be to be her first word, I told Darcey I didn't think it counted because there wasn't any intent. And once Leah even said "mah! mah!" which threw me. I've only heard her make the 'm' sound that one time.
We have been saying "Mommy, Daddy and Daisy" over and over to her and every now and then we throw in "Kitty" for good measure. I have also tried to say things to her to help her identify whatever she happens to be looking at so there have been long strings of disjointed words spoken while dinner is being made or while breakfast is being served. It would go something like "spoon red soft book kitty remote foot toes water…"
The picture posted here is of Darcey working with Leah on what I kind of think of as the Who's-That?-Daddy drill. I think Leah may be just starting to put me and "Daddy" together as the same thing which gives me hope that I could still be her first word.
Before you know it, she'll be putting "da-da" together with "car keys"...