Leah made a few new friends over the weekend. She and I went to Charlotte for a visit at Dad and Barbara's and made the trip especially so she could meet her Aunt Emily and her three daughters Olivia, Abby and Lily who were in town from Arizona.
The girls got along so well and I've never seen Leah play so hard. Jason's daughter Addison joined us later and all of a sudden there were five girls between the ages of 9 months old and 9 years old. It was so good to see them all play together and I really enjoyed watching how differently Olivia (the oldest), Abby (the middle child) and Lily played with Leah. Lily mainly wanted to touch Leah, especially around the head and shoulders. Abby really enjoyed holding Leah and was good about using the toys to play with her. And Olivia did a great job caring for Leah. She held her sippy cup for her to drink.
It was also nice to catch up with Emily although I felt I needed to keep an eye on her so that she wouldn't take Leah back to Arizona with her. She has a lot of experience parenting because of her three girls and I enjoyed watching her with them. She is quite a referee, waitress, teacher and friend to them. I don't know if I would have the strength to do what she does.
Now, it is important to note that Leah also has two boy cousins named Auden and Logan who live in Bellingham, Washington. I look forward to the day when she gets to meet them and I hope that the day comes where Leah and all of her cousins can get together for a day. We could have used some boys there Saturday to even things out a bit.
ps-Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there. My first one was great. I got to take a nap and cook wings on the grill.