Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today, without any warning, Leah just started babbling. We had all just gotten home and Leah was on her changing table when she began making "ba ba ba" sounds. Darcey and I shared an alarmed look and then started laughing. We have been waiting for this for a while. She hasn't really progressed in her speech since she was in the hospital in January and we were starting to get a little concerned.

The talking lasted for a few minutes and Leah alternated between "ba ba ba" and "da da da" while throwing in a few motorboat sounds for good measure. She also cried a little bit from what I think is some discomfort from her first tooth breaking through her gum today.

More on that in another post.

The video below is a recording of her babbling set to a few recent pictures. I put a digital recording device over her changing table some time ago so Darcey could capture her singing, which is a sound we both love. It was hard for us to stay quiet while we recorded her today because we were laughing so hard and trying to encourage her to keep "ba ba ba-ing".




  1. that is so awesome! how exciting and adorable.
    soon you won't be able to keep her quiet. :)
    hope you guys are well!
    xoxo kendra

  2. I'm soooooo sorry that I haven't been checking this on a regular basis!!!!! I loved watching her, she has grown so much since we were down there at Easter. I can't wait to see all of you in July.
    Love you, Gramma D

  3. woooohooo! I loved this. All the sisters enjoy it, too. What a great way to keep up with Leah's progress, and with her parents joy.
