Last night we got several inches of snow from a storm that stretched from Alabama to Virginia. Not only is it rare to get snow in the South, it is rare to get snow in the South in March. The storm was also unique in that it included a thunderstorm.
You can imagine the chaos. Power was out all over the area. The newspaper lost power for a few hours, but we still got a paper out this morning. We also lost power at home and had a cold night in our drafty house.
After the lights went out, Darcey and I talked about finding a friend who still had power that wouldn't mind us crashing for the night. I was pretty confident that the power would be back on in a couple of hours. Needless to say, I was wrong.
Sometime around 3 a.m. the temperature inside was in the 50's. We put Leah in bed with us to keep her warm, but she was a little congested and her breathing kept us awake. We realized that she didn't have any problems breathing when she was sitting up so she and I slept in my chair in the living room so Darcey could get some sleep. At about 6 a.m. I was awakened by the television after our power was restored.
Leah and I later woke up together as the sun was rising outside of the living room window. All of the trees and branches were bent under the weight of the snow and the everything was just white. I looked down at Leah and as she smiled at me I told her that we were going to go have a little fun.
The picture above is from our early morning walk in the snow together. It was Leah's first snow, but surely not her last. We were out there in the clothes we had slept in to try to keep warm overnight. That's right, Leah slept in her bear outfit with the hood up.
Afterwords, Leah and I had a snow day together. There was no point in her going to school even if it was open because I had the day off. She napped almost all morning and I got to take a nap later in the afternoon. By the end of the day, most of the snow had melted and our house was warm again. Hopefully Leah and I will both be able to sleep through the night in our own beds tonight.