Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rockstars in Training

So it seems that I am the mother to two "Rockstars in Training." I am not sure if it is the combination of Sefton's and my love for music, the nine guitars sitting around the house, or their own little souls that came with music already in them, but both of my kids I am convinced are "Rockstars in Training." Now I am talking about more then just the fact that at 18 months I was convinced that Leah could dance to a beat, or that at 3 I'm pretty sure she can follow me in singing a scale, I am talking about an ingrained sense of style and self.

You all see for your self, tell me that this isn't the beginning of something big... also note the two brownies in bed with her. Passed right out! My kid is too cool. The fluffy turtle pillow, the sunglasses, what a life of luxury.

And this little guy. He may not be able to dance on his own, and understandably his style is probably more mine then his own, but look at that face. Can't you see him standing behind a bass guitar, just chilling.

Regardless of what they become I'll love them no matter what... but a parent can dream right?

1 comment:

  1. You may change your mind when they actually START playing instruments, unless you have a basement to send them to...
    Love, GeeGee
