The big girl transformation has come with a few adjustments on our part. We rearranged her room to make it less of a nursery. Gone are the changing table and mobile. In is the play kitchen. The baby toys are packed away in the attic as is the baby monitor. We are trading in rattles for crayons. The car seat has been replaced with a booster chair. We count to ten and say the alphabet. We sing together.
In our foyer is a picture I took of Leah the day she was born. She entered this world with what we call skidmarks; little abrasions on her head from the trauma of birth. Now her face gets marks from falling down while chasing Daisy through the backyard.
Two years old. I fear that the next time I blink I will be walking her down the aisle.
You have NO idea how much I love reading about Leah on this blog---I don't always comment but I always find time to read them!! Love and kisses to all of you!!!! Gramma