Friday, August 28, 2009

One Year

Today is Leah's birthday and as hard as it is for me to believe that it has been one full year since we were in the hospital with absolutely no idea of how drastically our lives were about to change, I can't help but realize how quickly the time has gone and how impossible it was to grab hold of the small moments as they slipped through my hands like water.

I don't think that 365 days have ever gone by quicker than they just did. I look through the pictures of our family from the last year and I still feel like it was yesterday that she was born. I remember lying next to Darcey in the hospital bed as she labored through the night. I remember how blue the sky was at dawn and how round wispy Autumn clouds hung so low to the ground that you wouldn't think they cleared the treeline outside of our window. I remember the first time I held her and tried to comfort her crying, and the only song I could think to sing her was the UNC alma mater. I hadn't sung it in years.

One year ago I became the proudest dad in the world and didn't give a thought to day care or formula or diapers. I could only focus on this little person who is half of me and half of the love of my life. This little pink squirmy thing with ten fingers and ten toes, who had no protection from the world, was just handed over to me.

It was the most empowering and humbling experience of my life.

Thanks to everyone who helped us through this first year. Whether it was a kind word or hand-me-down clothes or a few hours of babysitting thank you. None of you will ever know how lucky we consider ourselves to have this love and support around us. We truly could not have done this without you and we have no idea how to pay you back for everything. Leah is as much yours as she is ours.



  1. Happy Birthday Leah! Isn't life absolutely amazing?

  2. What a lovely remembrance!
    See you tomorrow-
