NOW I understand why so many people tell me that their 30's were some of the best years of their lives. The kids are so much fun right now. I'm not sure if it is their ages, or the fact that I don't have school deadlines breathing down my neck, nor a current construction project in our home, but we are having a blast together. Now, don't get me wrong, I
truly never knew how hard, and crazy, and loud, and overwhelming being a parent would be, but the special moments just seem to make all of that melt away when you look back on a Monday morning.
Sefton is currently working his 9-5 shift. I admit it is my favorite as we feel, almost normal, although we are giving up our weekends to football. Having him home at night for dinner and baths, is such a blessing. We have sort of a dance that we do in the kitchen trying to accomplish all that needs to be done in a night. There are times when Luke has seen his bottle, and is crying and Leah is laying on the floor in a tantrum asking for grapes, all while something yummy is cooking on the stove and I think... how the heck do I do this by myself, then I remember that I do it with
Sefton with a smile, and a partner, and a drink... by myself it's sometimes just a drink and a
furrowed brow.

Leah is moving out of her mommy stage, and starting to play a bit more. She has never been a big "toy kid", but I think that is starting to change. She has started to dress up her dollies, and her self. Most of the time she likes to put on all of the
dress-up clothes, one on top of the other. She has a great sense of humor, and loves to laugh.

Luke on the other hand is growing and changing so fast. At just over six months he is sitting up all on his own, and still gets bored easily. We constantly need to change his surroundings. At his six month appt, the Dr. suggested putting a sippy cup in front of him (I admit I was like seriously, Leah didn't drink out of one until she was like 10 months old.) You can see she was right, he was all over it. He, just like Leah is such a happy baby, and this picture is what he looks like when he is not sleeping.
It is so cool to see them changing every day. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting to know them, then they do something totally unexpected. Until the next unexpected thing....