As a southerner, the concept is mostly foreign to me. I can count all of the times that I've ever been sledding on one hand. I'm not sure I have ever actually hit anyone with a snowball and I never would have tasted hot chocolate if I needed to use snow as an excuse.
My experience in the snow has of course grown drastically since meeting Darcey. An outsider like me has to get used to temperatures in the teens and the sight of snowplows on Wisconsin roads. Snow has made travel to visit family fun in some ways but difficult in others. I've shoveled sidewalks, we've had flights delayed, and once we almost got trapped at a Culver's in Tomah, Wisconsin.
But today was one of the fun times. I bundled Leah up in just about every piece of clothing in her suitcase and plopped her down in the backyard. We ran and slipped. We threw snowballs for Daisy to chase. We laughed together.
After a while we came inside where lunch was waiting. Darcey fed Leah and I put her down for a nap. She cried for a second or two but then exhaustion overtook her and she fell asleep.
The backyard is wrecked for snow. There are footprints running through the entire yard so there isn't really anywhere to play out there anymore.
We can only hope for another inch or so to accumulate tonight so we have something to do tomorrow.